RWBY is set in the world of Remnant, which is plagued by evil monsters known as Grimm. Professional monster slayers known as Huntsmen or Huntresses fight the Grimm and keep the world safe. I hope your memory has refreshed by now…
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RWBY's plot deals with a serious subject, but it also teaches a crucial lesson: if you don't stand up for what you believe in and allow others to dominate your life, you will be ruled over and tethered, beaten, and forgotten.
Somehow caught up in the middle of all this, Souta is somehow connected to everything but has no clue about it initially. He works with Selesia and a calm and collected librarian NPC named Meteora Österreich to unravel the truth behind the strange events, together with their respective creators.
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Overall, Blassreiter may not be a masterpiece, but it is still a great watch, especially for fans of the Sci-Fi and Action genres. In the end, there is little to be disappointed about and perhaps a few thoughts on how it could have been better. This series is a thrill in terms of quality, animation, art, and outstanding audio.
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The elevators used both as the bars entryway and the gateways to eternal rest are beneath two Noh masks. One mask, and Oni, represents the void/hell, and the Geisha represents the gateway to heaven. Many theories exist, but the anime does not say who went where.
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They successfully set up the tense atmospheres, add suspense to the scenes and leave viewers clamoring for more. The voice acting is on point for all the characters; even the screams of terror and shock sound just right.
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Don’t expect much in the way of substance here, as this anime is no Ghost in Shell. Take the X Train is more of an OVA for artists and animators. It’s the type of piece for those who dive into animation history in search of new ideas.
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Afro Samurai is a 2007 series, a collaboration between Gonzo Studios, Samuel L Jackson, and Takashi Okazaki. Unlike some people’s misunderstanding of it, this series doesn’t aim to be thought-provoking or moral in any sense, and it’s most certainly not trying to be a masterpiece.
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In conclusion, Expelled from Paradise has many ideas that it seemingly wanted to explore but couldn’t at all for some unknown reason. It constantly tosses out ideas during breaks from the action, which is the biggest flaw this film has.
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