Random Thoughts Because Mondays Suck

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Akudama Drive Anime Review - Pinned Up Ink
Akudama Drive did get all the glory at the start of the series. But the prize was soon taken away from Akudama Drive when it failed to keep the consistency till the end. Even so, we can’t ignore the fact that the story had many potentials, and the animation and music were phenomenal. We would recommend you to watch the series mainly to please your senses!
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Gun Sword Anime Review - Pinned Up Ink

Despite the nostalgia, viewers looking for significant depth or twenty-six episodes of mindless entertainment may find Gun Sword lacking. Much in the same way that Van mixes his condiments before eating Gun Sword combines a little bit of everything to create a dish of varying quality that not even a side villain with an extreme Oedipus complex can save.  

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