The plot of Ayashi no Seresu, rooted in angel folklore, tells the story of Ceres, a celestial maiden who, while bathing, has her hagoromo (celestial robe) stolen. Mikage, the man who stole her robe and the future progenitor of the Mikage family, becomes her husband, and later after stealing her robe, her enemy.
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Super Dimension Fortress Macross is adapted from the Light Novel titled Macross: My Fair Minmay ~ Dreaming Prelude and the manga Choujikuu Yousai Macross: The First. Its prequel is the anime Macross Zero, and a sequel in the form of an OVA Macross Plus has been released.
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Spirited Away is an English version of the Japanese animated movie by Hayao Miyazaki. A 10-year-old, Chihiro gets lost in an alternative universe. She has to go through a series of dangerous tests to go home and reunite with her parents.
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Ninja Scroll, or Juubee Ninpuuchou in Japanese, is a highly regarded anime movie from 1993. This adult movie is filled to the brim with a lot of gore, nudity, and drama. While many people in the anime community call this movie a timeless masterwork, I believe that there are some flaws in this movie that can significantly affect your overall experience.
Close your eyes and imagine a hidden realm in the anime world with airships. Need some help imagining? Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits will take you to this parallel dimension.