Girls’ Frontline: The Comet 02 It was established early on in the Girls’ Frontline anime that the two most relatable characters from AR Team would be “Big Sis' M16 and ST AR-15. They established themselves as the foursome's most mature, human, and relatable. M16 was the easiest two to decipher as M4A1 proved early on that she looked to her for guidance, as did SOPII, the relative baby of the bunch. M16 was the tie that bound the four together, so it's no surprise that AR-15 was treated as the other sister. Not on purpose nor by design. She is seen as an introvert, cold, calculating, and very adept, perhaps even more talented than M4A1. Unfortunately, M4A1 was the bell of the ball and an actual weapon if only she would wake up. It’s an understatement when the viewer realizes there is enough evidence to suggest betrayal. To be captured by Hunter, held hostage, to escape, and subsequently be infected by the Parapluie virus. Her viral infection would bring an attack on the underground Griffin HQ with the intent of destruction. Is it possible that AR-15 thought that, like Vegeta, if she were infected, it would make her stronger? Those were probably her plans though Sangvis had their own designs. It wasn’t a heel turn, but a means to be the hero and to outshine the often flaccid M4A1. It's never shown in the anime, but it is inferred that AR-15 did consider joining Sangvis as she had already been branded a traitor by Griffin. AR-Team did not see it that way, but the pragmatic Kryuger was reserved to view her as a possible threat. It should be noted that nowhere is 16Lab’s Persica to be seen; however, the omniscience of Persica is apparent and always with her trusty cup of coffee. So all are watching and waiting to see what will happen. The action intensifies after M4A1 rescues Negev Squad. Her whereabouts are unknown to all except for AR-15. In what appears to be a trip down memory lane, AR-15 pressures M4A1 to reveal her true self. The event is juxtaposed between AR-15 and a tanned Sangvis Ferri Ringleader. Unable to break through her neural cloud, AR-15 breaks her promise. The above events differ somewhat from the gaming lore. Well, quite a bit of the anime differs from the gaming lore. I’m sailing into spoiler territory, so be advised you’re heading into a splash zone. AR-15 harbors deep resentment and hatred towards M4A1. Her capturing of M4A1 was the draw out the Sangvis Mastermind. She is unnamed in the anime but is named Elisa in the game. Elisa relinquishes interest in AR-15 and the rest of the AR-Team, with the promise broken. Her priority switches back to M4A1. She releases Alchemist to kill AR-15, and the challenge is accepted. Elisa; is not the atypical antagonist. She has worked behind the scenes guiding her Ringleaders. Elisa does not explode in rage but shows obvious disdain for AR-15's decision to break her promise. Despite her proper nature, she is still childlike in some of her behaviors and military prowess. This probably explains why she simply throws her forces into battle with reckless abandon. Reckless abandon is winning as M16, and the other Griffin Dolls are pinned down and close to defeat. Things are going South, and tension is building. This is the first time that the ever-confident wunderkind Gentianne finds herself distressed and unable to make a decision. Her expression is priceless. Like any good anime, this event is filler for the real action. AR-15 versus Alchemist. Helian stepped in and took command, and Kalina did what she did best, ensuring the cavalry arrived on time. This episode will come done to the wire with a sad ending. ST AR-15 is still my girl, and she comes through in the end. She blows through the supposed plot armor in the last episode and, with the aid of SOPII, puts Alchemist on her back. She hands over all data she has collected on Sangvis to SOPII and sends a message to M4A1 before heading off to face Elisa. I guess she won’t be able to keep that promise, either. I must admit I was a bit let down with this last episode. Not because of the animation, which was good, or the voice acting, which was also good but because I dove into so much of the game itself. Girls’ Frontline has an excellent story that did not pan out as well as it should in the anime. Parts of the anime made little sense and probably confused viewers. Honestly, the anime needed more episodes and should have told the entire story from the beginning. This would have made this series more straightforward and enjoyable. It remains to be seen whether GF will receive a second season. It has set itself up for one, but if they do, I hope they put more effort into it so that it does not alienate the gaming fanbase but causes viewers to want to play the game and read the manga. More Girls' Frontline? Click Below Please Like, Comment or Share, or if you wish to read another post, click one of the links below.