The Month of Love!! Oh boy, the new year has started with a bang, and despite the chaos, we are excited. We wanted to keep you in the loop on what we are up to, and if you’re reading this, I’ll be expecting you to hold us to it. As you know, February is the shortest month of the year, so that means we can’t slack off. Trust me, losing those extra days at the end of the month stinks. Never the less we wanted to take the time to make you aware of our blogs and how they are organized, also, what you can expect coming down the line this month. Our blogs are currently organized into four sections: News, Random Thoughts (“Because Monday’s Suck”), On-Screen, and lastly, Flashbacks. In our News section, anything about operations, updates, sales, events will be included here. Our second section Random Thought’s Because Monday Sucks, is random; though not totally random it covers anything anime related. It is our section for starting our week. It’s been on hiatus as we focused on the other sections but will be rolling weekly starting February 11th. Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits were recently added this week, so I hope you’ll give it a read. It’s a good anime that covers female empowerment, romance, history, and food. The last two sections, On-Screen, and Flashbacks are our sections where we review different anime series. This section may also include episode arcs and character backstories. On-Screen covers any anime series that is currently in production or was released after 2010. Flashbacks cover any anime produced before 2010. Flashbacks are our vault section. For those anime that you never heard of or forgot about but should watch or watch again. You can expect new posts three days a week Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Random Thoughts Because Monday Sucks will post Mondays, Flashbacks will post on Thursday, and lastly, On-Screen will release on Tuesday. All post times will be 5:00a (EST) or 10:00 GMT. To access these sections on desktop or mobile click on “blogs” and a pull down menu will appear. There you will find the different sections. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail us at