Claymore Claymore is an anime adaptation released in 2007 by the one and only Madhouse Studios. It was directed by Hiroyuki Tanaka and is based on the manga by the same name with Madhouse adapting the first eleven volumes of the twenty seven volume manga into the anime. The anime tops out at twenty-six episodes of season one. At the time of writing, there is no season two in the works as the anime, it was not popular in Japan. Where is Toonami when you need a second season? Plot The story takes place on an island in what could easily be medieval Europe. The human inhabitants are plagued by the Yoma who find human flesh to be a delicacy To repel the threat of the Yoma, a highly secret agency known as “The Organization '' provides its services to the villages for a nominal fee in what could mildly be called extortion. The Organization has in its service armor clad warriors known as Claymore, who are half human, half Yoma and possess various signature skills according to the manipulation of their yoki aura. These Claymore, all women, is ranked by number according to their knowledge, ability, and skill level and there are 47 Claymores in the order who is assigned to 47 island districts. The Claymore, a slang term given by the villagers due to their Claymore swords are both revered and feared by the people they serve. This is due in part to their hybrid nature and the fact Claymore must tap into their Yoki energy to fight. The amount of Yoki aura used varies according to opponent and need with excessive use transforming them temporarily into a Yoma-like form. Prolonged use causes an irreversible transformation whereby the Claymore becomes an awakened “Being” and succumbs to their base nature. It is mentioned that using large amounts of Yoki is both euphoric and climatic in nature which is why men were replaced by women as the former were quicker to fall to its alluring power. The Claymore leads a lonely existence and the anime does a good job of presenting the emotional and psychological scars present in their lives. The majority seems to have been affected by Yoma attacks when they were fully human and this is their motivation to fight. This is juxtaposed with their hybridation by “The Organization” and their declining loss of humanity. With the fear of becoming a Yoma the Claymore often appears resentful, callus, and disinterested in the humans they protect. The Main Protagonist Clare is the main protagonist of Claymore and the story covers her journey and back story from the introduction through the final arc known as the Northern Campaign arc. She is presented as a competent fighter though she is ranked 47th the lowest of the Claymore group. Like most humans she has experienced the loss of family and loved ones to the Yoma and it has taken a toll on her existence, leaving her at one point in her youth, mute and in the company of a Yuma appearing as a human who used her as a cover to move through the various villages. Her persona is mission focused and stoic towards the humans she was sent to protect. She has a sense of honor and a duty to protect. The Organization takes great interest in her as she is the first human to be merged with a Claymore versus being a human merged with a Yoma. The Organization sees their experiment with Clare as a failure as she did not initially achieve the extreme supernatural strength they desired. Clare however, does accomplish great feats over time becoming one of the strongest Claymore. This is accomplished through the process of humanizing her by aligning her character with other characters who help her grow and become a more formidable warrior. This follows one of the Shonen traditions that success is not achieved by the individual alone but through the help of others. Along her journey she is assisted by her sisters in arms who in time grow to respect her, by the human Raki, whom she rescued from a Yoma. His brother had been consumed by a Yoma, and the Yoma takes the appearance of his brother and killing his family. The two over time would form a bond that shifted from paternal to intimate. Clare also carries with her the bond she formed with Teresa of the Faint Smile. Claymore much like the warriors of antiquity often had attributes attached to their names. Teresa and Clare like Clare and Raki would share a similar background with Clare bringing out Teresa’s lost humanity. Unfortunately, Teresa was killed by an awakened “Being.” Animation and Soundtrack The animation and accompanying music seem to mesh pretty well. The anime uses various shades of gray to convey that not all things in life are black and white. During Clare’s introduction she sits in an entryway and as she does the sun breaks through the sky reflecting on her person demonstrating her personality and the fact her name means bright. Bright colors are used sparingly in the anime to convey innocence, or purpose against the backdrop of the harshness of life. The colors support the theme that whether or not there is a purpose for living, live anyway. If there were an anime faux pas that a finger could be pointed at it would be the intense blood splatter and how in some scenes the blood looks like old ketchup. The accompanying soundtrack is enjoyable and not overbearing. The intro is one that sticks in my head and I would associate with Claymore if I heard it in passing. The music like the animation is used to move the story forward and does a good job beginning with the intro and ending the end credits. Closing Thoughts Claymore (anime) does end on a mild cliffhanger and it's unfortunate we will never get to see the final outcome of events. To date, there is no talk of a second season and with over a decade since Claymore aired it is doubtful there will be. The anime is worth a look and for what it's worth, while, expensive the English manga is available for purchase.