The Tatami Galaxy
I'm sure everyone knows how, when it comes to the execution, some anime titles just warp the genre elements so that they become the sole players in the scene in no time. “Mononoke” for horror, “Ping Pong” for sports, and “The Tatami Galaxy” for comedy, to name just a few. Hailing back to 2010, The Tatami Galaxy still gives these newest comedy kids the competition they never wanted. The series masterfully blends comedy, romance, and gags, then abruptly disappears, leaving viewers yearning for more. It's a good thing we finally got a sequel about 2 years ago, and that alone was the most unexpected thing ever. If you're new to this comedic genius, let us introduce you and explain why The Tatami Galaxy could quickly become your favorite new anime. Let's get started!

The Uninteresting Plot Made Interesting, Unintentionally

Now, when it comes to romance titles, there aren't a lot of variations in the anime industry. You encounter a charming high school romance sprinkled with a touch of drama, which some individuals find deeply enjoyable. Other times, you get a completely different setting, with some creators taking it up a notch, stepping into the realm of creepiness like it’s just another day. But going back in time just to live out college life to the fullest doesn't sound like a setting that's been abused to Narnia and beyond, right? The Tatami Galaxy follows Watashi, our protagonist, who's about to graduate college. But when he looks back at his experiences and achievements over the past few years, nothing comes to his mind. He does precisely what we would do in that situation: trust a sketchy, funny-looking man down the street and get transported to the time we’ve already seen and lived through! Now, once again, the guy is as fresh as he can get when it comes to college, and this time around, he’s ready to leave no stone unturned and have the best college life one could ever dream of. But that's just his expectation of what's about to happen; we know how reality is in this situation, don't you think?

Comedy High on LSD

What makes The Tatami Galaxy hit everyone's radar is truly the comedy of the series. The comedy of The Tatami Galaxy is the sole reason it has endured and continues to compete with newer shows. You see, when it comes to comedy, given how cluttered the genre has become in this day and age, you either have to try out something new and completely nail it or take something that's worked previously and mold it in your favor with such finesse that no one ends up noticing what you're doing. The Tatami Galaxy takes the former approach with a comedy that relies on relatively fast dialogue, funny-looking characters, and goofy personas, which give every other episode a dose of laughter and fun that we return for time and time again.

It's tough not to get lost in the show's comedy, and with the title just not running out of jokes even as the episodes go by, you know it's destined to sit on the comedy throne for years to come. This show exemplifies a unique comedy style, as titles such as "Saiki K" and "Senyuu" adeptly tackle the genre through an unconventional approach. The dialogue is too fast for the eyes, so not only will you be doing a lot of reading with this one, but it's also hard to keep up with everything happening on the screen most of the time. But don't let that keep you from experiencing this masterpiece. Honestly, it's just too good to miss out on. Trust me, you'll be rolling on the floor with laughter, making you binge the series in almost no time.

An Art Style That Sets it Apart

You will immediately notice the distinct visual style of the show. Sure, we've seen a similar art style from Ping Pong, but remember, that show came out 4 years after this comedic masterpiece. Who copied who isn't the subject here since both shows tackle and feature completely different subjects and are some of the best at what they do. But this unique art style adds to the charm and makes it even more unique than it already is. The characters, the scenery, the sometimes mismatched sound, and the almost humorous tone combine to create a flawless picture. One that's still regarded as one of the best comedy titles of all time is impressive. Calling it a troll art style that relies on caricatures would be wrong, but it's also correct that these characters remind you of a random object or thing, and it's tough to resist that idea once you focus on one of them. But the character department isn't lacking one bit, and we've got people featuring all these different personas that make the show shine even brighter.

The opening and ending themes complement each other perfectly. The opening sets the mood for the show in the best way possible, and even today, if you hear that voice singing those words with that melody in the background, you'll have the name of the show running on a rampage in your head. It is the perfect clue and fit for the series in question. Also, we don’t have to make the two fight each other for the top spot. They’re both perfect, and it’s up to you to decide on the ranking.

The Tatami Galaxy is one of the most unique and different anime titles. But of course, in a significant way, since the show’s take on the whole comedy/gag genre combo is so fresh and interesting that you can’t help but get entertained by the series during its runtime. We should also consider how the show discovered these concepts and experimented with this approach in 2010 when comedy like this wasn’t mainstream. Sure, Gintama was there, smacking teeth left and right, but calling them the same would be a major sin. The sequel didn’t get a lot of love, which is still baffling to me. I think they didn’t market the show right since I’ve met many people who don’t even know about the “Time Machine Blues” follow-up that came out in 2022. That was very good, too, and as a fan of the series, I couldn’t have asked for anything more. The episode count was low, but beggars can’t be choosers, right?

As for the rating, I give it a solid 9/10. I’ve watched many comedy shows, but The Tatami Galaxy still manages to preserve its uniqueness with a personality that doesn’t seem to get old. Even if you are or aren’t a fan of the comedy genre of anime, do check out the show. I promise that it’ll be worth your time. The show is different from any show you’ve watched before, and it’s about time we introduce the newer generation to this blast from the past because they’re surely missing out on a lot here. I’m going to rewatch the show once again soon since all this reminiscing has reminded me about the series once again. Remember that there’s also a movie, The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl, released in 2017, and it’s also a must-watch for fans of the show. Of course, there’s a sequel, too, which I just mentioned earlier. So don’t sit there and wait; watch the show right now, see for yourself just how good it is, and question your reality as you realize how the show is nowhere near the popularity that these modern mid-shows have gotten. It’s genuinely an unjust and evil world we live in!

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