Punch Line follows Yuta Iridatsu, a spirit who must protect his female housemates while avoiding panty shots that could trigger world destruction. What begins as an apparent fanservice-heavy series evolves into a surprisingly coherent narrative with well-developed characters and stunning MAPPA animation. Despite its slow start, the anime masterfully weaves its seemingly random elements into a satisfying and logical conclusion.
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"Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba - Swordsmith Village Arc" is the fourth season of the popular anime series. This 11-episode arc follows Tanjiro as he visits the secret Swordsmith Village for a new blade. Featuring new Hashira and formidable demons, the season showcases stunning visuals and intense battles. While the plot and character development may not match previous seasons, the animation and sound design continue to impress, making it a must-watch for Demon Slayer fans.
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