"My Deer Friend Nokotan" delivers a disappointing comedy anime experience despite its viral marketing and catchy opening theme. Following Torako Koshi, a perfect student hiding her delinquent past, and the chaotic deer-girl Shikanoko, the show fails to maintain its humor beyond episode one. While featuring excellent voice acting and clever easter eggs, its repetitive jokes and shallow characters make it a forgettable addition to the Summer 2024 lineup.
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Release the Spyce blends espionage action with high school drama, following Momo Minamoto, a shy student with an unusual ability to taste people's physical conditions. After encountering the secret organization Tsukikage, she joins their ranks as a spy trainee under her mentor Yuki. While offering exciting action sequences and vibrant animation, this 12-episode series balances serious spy missions with lighter moments, though it sometimes struggles with underdeveloped antagonists.
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