April Showers First, forgive me for being a poor steward of the part of this site that should at least keep you up to date on what the hell goes on here. I realize that the News sections of most websites tend to get the least attention, and that has been the case here. I won’t make any promises yet, but I will keep you up to date as best as possible. For those who don’t know, this website is a labor of love and something I do to stay sane. Yours Truly!! I handle Pinnedupink.com on the front end, The Nightboss. There were several of us when this sight first began, but that has now whittled down to one! I could say that Covid changed some things but what happened was life. If there is one, the work-life balance can knock you off your feet, which I’ve struggled with. Being a front-line worker during Covid was a nightmare. I am not a medical professional, but I work in a field dedicated to improving the lives of homeless women and men. Unfortunately, homelessness did not stop during Covid and became worse in many instances. Additionally, the number of drug overdoses rose and continues to increase. I continued to work through the pandemic while one of our other partners could not. When there are bills to pay, steady money trumps unsteady money. There was also the loss of life. An extraordinary individual partly responsible for bringing this idea to life lost his fight with drug addiction before things could get up and running. He was a hell of an artist and the person who got me back into anime. Even though he’s gone, I can still hear him fussing me out because I have not watched Black Clover. Guess what, Jason? I still haven’t watched it yet, but I’ll get to it soon!! Life has a way of affecting priorities, and while I don’t believe in the saying “do what you love, and the money will come,” I do think that one about hard work beating talent is a quote I can sign on to, and it has been a lot of hard work and a learning experience. Despite this, the show goes on, and Pinnedupink is growing. Made up of primarily Gazelle and myself, we try to churn out at least twelve articles a month while maintaining school and careers, so let's just say, in addition to readers, I’m always open to collaborations. It takes a lot of work to keep things rolling, and I'm grateful for the writers here. Its thanks to Gazelle that the back end has been able to grow; Google loves content. So please share our site to your heart's content, but please give us credit for the anime! Sharing always helps! Social links are always at the bottom of each page. Moving On…… So this rain in April sucks, especially if you live in a northern state and the seasons are having a custody battle over summer. All I know is I want the winter to stop and the rain to do its thing so we can get some warmth and some sun. It's always cloudy, and me wearing my Anime Saves hoodie is pissing off the kid whose first Anime was Attack on Titan. His self-righteousness is getting on my nerves, and he’s lucky I’m not wearing my Never Argue With a Puppet hoodie instead. However, that one gets a lot of love. I guess we’ve all had a hand up our behind at one point or another!! My point is we sell graphic design items, and on occasion, I share a few online. I really want to give the kid a copy of Euphoria and tell him some of his favorite VAs also do hentai. Anime Save is my take on Jesus Saves. Whether he existed or not is moot, but he influenced many people. Some of those people did good, some did bad, some of those people like anime, and some of those people like Yaoi. They still believe Jesus Saves. I love anime, and I believe Jesus probably existed. Sometimes I do good, and sometimes I do evil, and sometimes I think Demon Slayer may be the best-animated anime of all time. But would I care to watch it ten years from now? I think what makes an anime unique is how it affects you. What it made you think and what it made you feel, and the older you get, your tastes change, but the shows that affected you remain a part of you. But I can’t tell him that. Because his thoughts about my hoodie were done online, and he never asked the meaning. Perhaps had he trolled me in true Shonen fashion, we would have argued and later became friends and killed the Demon-King. As long as there is Anime, I’ll still rock my “Anime Saves.” hoodie. At least until May. It should be 70 today with a chance of snow and 50’s tomorrow by then. Thank you for being a part of this journey. The Nightboss……. Please Like, Comment or Share, or if you wish to read another post, click one of the links below. https://pinnedupink.com/blogs/random-thoughts-because-mondays-suck-1 https://pinnedupink.com/blogs/on-screen https://pinnedupink.com/blogs/flashbacks