Bartender Glass of God
“How a Classic Anime Reboot Lost Its Flavor”
The anime and manga industries produce titles with unique themes, sometimes resulting in masterpieces that solidify their position among the best. Now, while the early 2000s were full of these 'experiments' that were hit or miss, some of these shows were adaptations of manga titles following a similar formula rather than original titles featuring quite innovative themes at times.

Only a select few truly appreciate the art of bartending, and the 2006 anime vividly depicted the experience of working as a bartender within an anime universe. Now, while that show made full use of a unique animation style that gave birth to the title in the first place, the modern reboot ends up discarding all that to deliver something more tailored to the contemporary generation's tastes in anime. Bartender Glass of God came out earlier this year and excited fans of the previous show for a reboot of their favorite anime series.

We haven't seen any anime related to this fan-favorite unique manga title in 18 years, but regrettably, the series no longer resembles the one we fondly remember and cherish. Let's see where things went wrong and what this newer adaptation is about! Moreover, drinking wine while reading or watching this title is almost customary, so avoid acting insensitively. This applies to individuals who are of legal age and not underage, as we aim to prevent any instances of insensitivity.

An imposter of a protagonist

The search for a world-class bartender for the bar section of the famous hotel Cardinal begins with Miwa Kurushima and Yukari Higuchi. The chairman wants a bartender who can craft the ultimate drink, one straight from the vault of God himself. The chairman may have unconventional tastes, but given the establishment's quality, it makes sense to demand only the best candidate. Numerous bartenders come and go, bringing shame to their skills since no one can pass the test and land a spot as a bartender in the hotel. However, Sasakura Ryuu, a man with unparalleled bartending skills and extensive experience gained from his long tenure in the industry, steps in to fill the void. This sparks an insatiable desire to hire Sasakura Ryuu as the much-needed bartender, but the challenge lies in securing his services.

While the animation style is already significantly different from the one we remember and love, we will discuss that later in the article. Let's start with the protagonist, who, for some reason, bears no resemblance to the main character from the 2006 classic. One thing that the Bartender anime from the past got right was the vibes. A minute into the show, you couldn't help but feel like you've arrived at a bar with nothing but the finest bartender standing before you, ready to hear you rant all night until the sun rises. This time, the protagonist is as emotionless as it gets, and honestly, he looks out of life almost the entire time. I'm sure that's noticeable from the outset, as it detracts significantly from the charm that characterized the 2006 anime adaptation, alienating the fan base eagerly anticipating anything related to bartending in anime.

The animation department followed suit.

Now, even if you don't know a thing about the 2006 Bartender anime, you can tell by looking at the opening sequence alone that the anime has a lot to offer. The animation blended the whole bar vibe well and was excellent at incorporating these realistic 3D models in a way that didn't feel out of place. Since this was 2006, many people were praising the art direction and everything about it. It's only natural that people were expecting something better, if not the same when it came to the newer 2024 adaptation, Bartender Glass of God. However, it's disheartening to report that the animation also lacks vitality. It feels nothing like the bartender universe we know and love, especially when combined with a low budget from a studio that has only completed one project to its credit.

You end up with a title that has the potential to be much more valuable had a different studio produced it. I'm sure not many of you have even heard of the name 'Liber,' the studio behind 'The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague.' If the studio were different, we could've used that much more. Watching can be difficult, and don't get me started on bottle flips and mixing to make the perfect drink. Most of the time, the frames aren't even in sync, making the motions appear abnormal. If the studio has taken a relatively modern approach to the cult classic, that's understandable. It's essential to consider the current audience when creating a show. However, ignoring your unique style and the elements that initially set you apart is inappropriate.

Bland characters

I don't know about the drinks this guy is serving because I haven't gone that delusional yet, but everything other than that just looks bland and out of life, including the characters. There's no excellent story there, and the series doesn't feature anyone memorable apart from the protagonist, Sasakura Ryuu. After six episodes, ask yourself who your favorite characters were, or even better, try to name several of them. I'm confident that you won't be able to identify any characters other than Ryuu, given the makeup of our cast in this series.

An anime series that thrives on the stories of its different characters gives you a recipe for a new dish every other episode or so. That holds even more true in a bar setting where people are just there to drink and speak their worries away. However, the content featured in Bartender Glass of God will not likely sustain a viewer's interest and engagement for an extended period. As I mentioned, the anime lacks a lot of life and sometimes appears rushed, which becomes even more noticeable towards the end.

Moreover, with only 12 episodes, the anime is relatively short, exacerbating the situation, as the story never feels like it's progressing. As much as I'd like to say that things can be different in a sequel or a spin-off of some sort, given that the manga has a lot of other stories with the guy being kind of Mr. Worldwide, nothing can be said at the moment. That's because the anime didn't do that well, and considering how the critically acclaimed series took 18 years to come up with something new, I doubt that will happen anytime soon, either. Our best option is to read the manga, as the art and overall experience are superior.

The sound quality is satisfactory. There is nothing too crazy going on to make us ignore almost every department or aspect that the anime doesn't manage to execute well, which is kind of strange since a bartender setting featuring a world-class bartender and customers who are there to drink like there’s no tomorrow should be home to some of the finest jazz that the anime industry has seen to date. Tell me the vibes wouldn’t be immaculate if you had some fine music mixing with the ice slowly dissolving into the alcohol in those fancy glasses.

I believe they had no budget, given the lackluster quality of the adaptation and the poor performance of the series' marketing. Therefore, allocating the entire budget to the marketing campaign seems illogical. We should investigate this situation further, as it's possible that the studio utilized the funds to indulge in a lavish meal at a posh bar in Ikebukuro. Given how underpaid and overworked anime studio employees are today, I cannot rule it out!

As stacked as the Spring 2024 season was this year, it was hard to make your mark as a newer title. However, Bartender Glass of God faced significant challenges, resulting in an adaptation that fell short of the 2006 series, which is still widely regarded as one of the best anime series in terms of art direction. Despite having the potential for success, the anime failed to capitalize on it. With all its departments being average—or just barely above average at best—it’s a given that it hasn’t been able to stand the test of time and is already buried beneath this plethora of titles just a couple of months later.

As they say, the show must go on, and if you don’t manage to deliver in 2024, another show will be armed and ready to take your place in the blink of an eye. This show might be a good watch if you’ve come home from a long workday and just want to relax. If you're intoxicated on the weekend and seeking a way to fall asleep, this title proves beneficial as it will captivate you for a few minutes before your mind decides it's time to shut down. I feel like the adaptation wasn’t done justice at all, and it could’ve been way better if they had executed things differently. But it is what it is, and what’s done is done now.

I doubt we’ll see more of the bartender for quite a while, given this adaptation was kind of the litmus test to see whether there still was an audience for this universe that had faded away into the past as the years went by. It's too disappointing that the title won’t receive the love it deserves, thanks to this adaptation. As for the rating, I’d give it 6.5. They ruined one of my hidden gems, but that’s okay. I’ll just go back and refresh my memories by binge-watching the previous one tonight. But if you’re into the setting, then by all means, check out the manga. It's better than this adaptation; reading those panels reveals more about everyone. It's pretty simple to read, so you should put it on your 'to-do list' immediately.

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